


After 13 days the doctors though Jordyn was well enough for the breathing tube to come out but it turned out Jordyn wasn’t strong enough to breathe on her own just yet. I was very discouraged and sad. I just wanted my baby to be okay. I wanted to just take her away from all of the pain and poking and prodding she had to go through. If I could have spared her any pain, surgery, heart cath, feeding tube surgery, port surgery, stroke, breathing tube, seizure, cardiac arrest, ect I would have done it all for her so she wouldn’t have to.

Jordyn spent a lot of time in the cardiac intensive care unit. She was such a good sport about mostly everything. I only remember a few times where she was very fussy but only because she was not able to eat before certain tests. She got really mad when she was hungry. Those were the times I felt most helpless because I could not feed her, I could only hug her and love on her. The worst part was that I could not explain to her why she couldn’t get any food for the next few hours. That is such a hard feeling to experience. It was hard to look at the bigger picture in those times.

The doctors were able to move Jordyn’s breathing tube to her nose which is more comfortable for most babies. After that she was able to tolerate it better while being awake and weaned off her medicines. She loved watching Mickey Mouse! I remember being so anxious to get that breathing tube out because she was moving around and feeling good but I swear I did not want another setback. January 7th 2013 Jordyn was able to get the breathing tube out successfully which was one step closer to home for us. She had to be a c-pap for a little because she still needed a little support. Later that day she even gave a few smiles. I think she was very glad to not have a tube going down her throat and also I was able to hold her for the first time after surgery which felt like a lifetime! You never notice how much you want to hold your baby until you cannot hold them.

Being there for Jordyn through everything and seeing her smile all the time just made me want to tell the world about her. Adults do not value life in general. I saw so many babies in the cardiac intensive care unit that had so many struggles but yet they were so resilient, they always bounced back with a smile on their face ready for the next challenge. I believe children are so pure and that sometimes we learn from them. When I felt like I was going to lose it I leaned on The Lord because he already knew what I was going through and knew I was just doing the best I could. The saying is true that no matter how bad you think you have it, someone else has it worse than you.



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